Saturday, February 27, 2016

Bowling in Azerbaijan

We've gone bowling once in Azerbaijan, and it was quite an interesting cultural experience.

The first difference was the shoes.  Any American is used to wearing highly stylish bowling shoes every time you go bowling.  I did a little research and learned that bowling shoes serve two purposes.  First, they help you slide along the floor as you approach the lane.  Second, they keep the surface cleaner because bowlers aren't wearing their street shoes and tracking bits of dirt all around.

Azerbaijanis are generally very consious about keeping floors clean.  It's common to enter people's homes and immediately take off your shoes in the doorway.  Most gyms and health centers in Baku insist that you put disposable booties on over your shoes.  So, bowling shoes would seem to fit perfectly into this mindset.  However, bowling shoes were completely optional and everyone around us was bowling in their regular shoes.

Erica celebrating a spare

But more interesting than the lack of bowling shoes was the lack of understanding about bowling!  All members of the family in the lane next to us constantly stepped past the line onto the lane, oblivious to the red light and loud buzzer advising them of their trespass.  They were also intent on perfecting their technique of throwing the ball out into the lane, rather than rolling it.

Adding to the cacophony of the environment was the safety issue of another bowler not understanding the ball returner.  He kept grabbing balls from the neighboring lanes, until his ball returner was overcapacity and nearly started spilling balls out onto the floor.  He did this twice before realizing he should consider reusing the balls that were already there!

Fellow bowler - notice the ball is airborne and
the red foul line light is lit

On top of all that, we questioned the quality of the lanes because Jeremy and I both finished with pathetic scores.  I know, I know...a bowler's always going to say the lane was warped before they question their own skill level, right?!  :)  But I'm unlikely to put my skills to the test anytime soon, because I think my first bowling experience in Azerbaijan will be my last!

Jeremy laments our sad final scores

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